Donate today

Thank you for helping us save more dogs. Our donation form allows you to donate either via PayPal, or we will send you instructions on how to send us a bank transfer. We accept donations in euros or dinars.

All the money you donate goes directly to helping dogs. All of us that help run Ravnost do this in our spare time, and we have full time jobs. Any little help goes a long way for us.

If you want to chat to us, our lines are always open.

You can email us on or fill out the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you again, we are very grateful.


At the moment we are accepting donations over Paypal, or by account transfer to the below accounts. We are working on integrating a more seamless system on our website that will allow direct card donations.

Account details below:

Racuni UniCredit Banka
Dinarski: 170003004731800029
Devizni EUR: RS35170003004731800126
Devizni CHF: RS35170003004731800223

Contact us for more information